Can i code with artificial intelligence ?

Can i code with artificial intelligence ?

Part 1

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Welcome to the age of machine learning and artificial intelligence!

From IBM Watson to Sophia the world’s first citizen robot, our society is changing fast and those who neglect the power of disruptive technologies cannot compete or innovate vs tech juggernauts.

Can you code with artificial intelligence?

Yes, you can do it with Tabnine!

Tabnine is an AI assistant for developers and teams to boost your productivity by 50 %.

Pair programming is an agile software development technique in which two programmers work together at one workstation, the first programmer is called the Driver while the other the Observer reviews each line as it is typed in.

The 2 programmers code on the computer for a specific task, now you can do it with Tabnine your pair Programmer! Isn’t it fun to boost your productivity by 50 %?

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Tabnine is available on visual studio code (Windows & Ubuntu), install the extension to use the power of artificial intelligence coding intuitively.

Go on vs code and search for the Tabnine extension

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Tabnine is not totally free, you can use the partial support with fewer features and to enjoy the full version you have to pay a monthly or annual subscription.


Once you are logged in, this message will appear

Screenshot (858).png

Tabnine is ready, now you can see my name in the right corner of vs code, you can add members and they can enjoy the deep completion wherever they are!


coding with tabnine is energizing, it took me 2 minutes to write a simple API request and the autocompletion is fast!


the autocompletion is fast, better than most of the extensions I know and you can learn to code with your pair programmer TABNINE

After writing the script it works!

Screenshot (1558).png

how to know if tabnine is activated?

look at the purple status bar you will see tabnine activated!

you can also enjoy a demo by Stuart Clark Cisco devnet Developer advocate here:

Open vs code, install your extension, boost your productivity, and happy coding wherever you are on the globe!